Feminism IS NOT Man-Hating

To quote one of my all-time favorite feminist heroines, Emma Watson – “Fighting for women’s rights has far too often been synonymous with man-hating.  If it’s one thing I know for certain it is that this has to stop.”

This is one of the largest misconceptions about feminism in general.  It’s not a notion that women picked up to triumph over men, it’s about equality and tolerance for all.  Men should be allowed to cry without it being a sign of weakness, this is a feminist issue.  Women should be allowed to hold strong, powerful positions without being questioned because she is a she, this is a feminist issue.  Unfortunately, we as a society haven’t progressed as much as hoped and there is still much work to be done on the forefront of gender equality.

As talked about in the previous podcast, there are constructions to femininity AND masculinity that are debilitating to humanity as a whole.  Feminism has been misinterpreted and blatantly talked down by both men and, sadly, women too.  Though I blame a lack of proper education on the topic for women to say they are against feminism.  When you understand that it’s fundamentally a movement to gain equality for all women and for all of those oppressed by societal standards, then I don’t quite understand how you could go against it?

Women deserve to be equal to men and no, that has not already happened.  Hence why this blog exists at all or else I’d have nothing to talk about.  There are so many inherent inequalities that bias our thoughts and conceptions of who people are and what they should be capable of.  This is absurd.  Men can be ballerinas, stay-at-home dads, receptionists and be no less of a man.  Women can be UFC fighters, astronauts, politicians, police officers, film directors, computer programmers, the countless other fields that are dominated by males and be no less of a woman.

There are people in the world that will resist change and encourage oppression, sometimes even blindly.  It is our job to call them out and educate them as to what is the truth and why we are still fighting for women’s rights and equality for all.  There’s too much hate in the world to perpetuate it any more.  Feminism is not about hate.  If a feminist perpetuates hate or man-hating, that is not representative of the movement of feminism.  This intensely courageous movement seeks to empower women and motivate a more accepting version of society.

In an ideal world, feminism wouldn’t have to be necessary.  When all sexes, races, religions, sexual orientations are all considered socially, politically, and economically equal – then will we have finally reached our goal.

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